Friday, July 31, 2009

New Blog

Well, I finally decided to make one of these blogs.
I hope I'll have something to say, and that maybe I'll say things that make sense for once.

I woke up at two or three in the afternoon today (ah, lazy summer days),
After being up until seven in the morning.
Why would I even need to be up that late?

Anyways, I'm going to get white acrylic paint tomorrow.
I've really been wanting to paint since I was in Myrtle Beach last month for CIY.

I was sitting in a giant, freezing auditorium,
trying to stop squirming in my seat,
when I came up for the idea for my painting.
The guy in the front of the room told us to get into groups of three.
I ended up with Candace and Larissa.
Some questions came up on the screen in front that we were all supposed to talk about in our groups.
I was talking about how much I wanted to paint,
and Larissa turns to me and says,
"No way. I was just thinking I bet this girl's an amazing painter."
So hopefully I won't disappoint Larissa.

This is one of the picture I'm using as a reference for the painting.

I know it's not a really good story, I guess it's a little more awesome and personal to me.
I just feel I'm really being pushed (or maybe pulled?) to finish this painting.
I'll post a picture when I eventually finish.

Also, I'm going to work on the layout and maybe make a banner this week.
Next time, I'll try to write something more interesting.